What will you get with Bat-Cave Subscription?
Each month we will ship to your address (worldwide!) one cd released by unfamous Bat-Cave Productions, you will get also free Bandcamp’s download codes.
Occasionally we will add to your package some rare bonus bloody batcave merch including stickers, pins, patches, bags or t-shirts.
You will be also the first person which will get to know about Return To The Batcave events also those private secret events.
How we will spend your money?
It’s simply – we will finance release of another killing deathrock, post-punk, goth-punk, dark-punk, coldwave albums and we will support underground artists and events. That’s it.
Subscriptions are renewed automatically or manually – if you would like to cancel it just login and edit your subscription info at your profile page.
Bat-Cave Supporters Tribe are: 28 Bats!